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Libby’s Legacy Breast Cancer Foundation |
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citzens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” – Margaret Mead
Matching Gifts
Matching employee contributions to Libby’s Legacy Breast Cancer Foundation is an easy way to double your impact. However, many people don’t realize that their employers offer matching gifts. In some cases, you can double every lifesaving dollar you donate just by filling out a simple form. For instance, your $100 donation could be turned into a $200 contribution to Libby’s Legacy Breast Cancer Foundation when matched by your employer. Additionally, many companies will make a matching gift for employee volunteer time.

Check with your human resources department to get the form or to determine if matching gifts are offered for volunteer time. If your company does not currently match employee donations to Libby’s Legacy Breast Cancer Foundation, encourage your company to add this as an option to further your support to save lives and change lives here in Central Florida!