Patient Advocate Liaison Service (P.A.L.S) | Libby's Legacy Breast Cancer Foundation
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Patient Advocate Liaison Service (P.A.L.S)


When a person is diagnosed with breast cancer and faces the uncertainty of the journey ahead, they are assigned a PAL, a Hope Coach to stand by them, to navigate the healthcare system to assure they have access to treatment and surgery. This is our commitment to those diagnosed through Libby’s Legacy from a mammogram through your last chemo treatment!

If you or someone you know needs a PAL:

Please fill out the Online Application Form (English) or Aplicación  Servicios de Apoyo al Pacientes En línea (Spanish)

OR download the application by clicking below:

You may fax the application to 407-431-0102, email the application to info@libbyslegacy.org, mail the application to 112 Annie St., Orlando, FL 32806 or call 407-898-1991 to arrange drop off.